Field Corpse

Dark, twisted, aggressive...

(2017 - Present)

Mungus Borgar, The Final Frontier

April 20, 2021

Our weary traveler reaches the final frontier. What will they find there? Will the same song keep getting renamed over and over again?

Cover of Ogbert The Nerd's "Mungus Borgar Rides Again"

Saint Jude Thaddeus

January 14, 2021

A deeply sentimental, tongue-in-cheek foray in pop and electronica. From the infinitely dance-able "Stupid Kid," past the ethereal "Nowhere," and coming to rest at "White Mana," we trundle forth.


January 10, 2020

I just want to eat sand.
Photo Credit: Judy Trogani

Martin Trogani making noise

Huge, domineering basses, hissing synth lines, and densely-woven percussion sections are all pillars this crooked house is built on. A strange chorus of charming and oddball characters flutter in and out of focus weaving a tapestry of harmonies that blankets every tune. With a pinch of computer wizardry and a bloated head full of ideas, Martin pollutes the air we all breathe with the sweet miasma of music.


Beach Day "Beach Radio" by Stephen Lysak

September 22, 2019

For all the places you can listen to Field Corpse go to

Field Corpse on Bandcamp

Field Corpse on Spotify

Field Corpse on Apple Music

Field Corpse on SoundCloud

Social Media

Photo Credit: Andrew Halpin

